Mixed-Use Real Estate
The development of large territories and multi-functional centers is one of the most complex innovative areas in real estate development. GVA Sawyer’s professional skills in different market segments, as well as our spectrum of specialists have enabled GVA Sawyer to create an extensive portfolio of mixed-use facilities in Russia.
As a member of GVA Worldwide, GVA Sawyer has access to unique international developments in this field, in particular GVA Sawyer uses the accumulated experience of the Planning, Development & Regeneration (PDR) Department of GVA Grimley (Great Britain), which is a recognized expert in the field of complex development around the world.
Over the period of its activity, GVA Sawyer’s Consulting Department has accumulated an extensive knowledge of all real estate segments, including high-rise housing and cottage development, which allows GVA Sawyer to create projects of any complexity. Using the knowledge base of the Consulting Department, GVA Sawyer’s brokers lease and sell large multi-functional real estate facilities.
GVA Sawyer`s services in the mixed-use real estate segment include: