Performing the function of a Project Manager (Developer), GVA Sawyer is responsible for setting up, maintaining and coordinating the overall scope of procedures and resources related to the project including cost, schedule, reporting systems, interrelation of parties, bidding procedures, contract negotiations and execution. GVA Sawyer ensures project efficiency, high quality of construction works, meeting deadlines and successful commissioning and start-up of the project. Basically, GVA Sawyer’s functions on the part of Project Manager include the following elements:
- Conceptual planning of the project
- Organizational planning and process management
- Organizing and all project stages management
- Organizing and process management
- Resources management
- Participants relations management, including investors
- Financial flows management
- Project price management
- Project schedule management
- Project quality management
- Risks management
- Administrative support to composition, signing and execution of contracts
- Information distribution and fulfillment of reports
Project management process is supported by up-to-date IT technologies, providing on-line access by Investors and other participants to the information located on GVA Sawyer’s server, which reflects the current progress of the project. All procedures connected with execution of the project are formalized. Planning, budgeting, control and reporting are carried out under the unified forms of Western standard (Project Management Institute PMI and others).
Construction tender package preparation and tendering for all kinds of works are carried out in accordance with the international FIDIC standards. The general contractor is chosen and approved by an established tender committee, including representatives of the Investor.
Careful attention is paid to details of the contracts and availability of protective mechanisms for the Investor, which limit price increase by the Contractor resulting from inaccurate or non-complete description of work volumes.
Efforts of GVA Sawyer are directed to the optimization of the construction processes pursuant to the protection of the Investor`s interests and cost cutout. Thus maximizing transparency of all operations in close cooperation with the Investor via precise and thorough reporting.
GVA Sawyer is especially proud of its expertise in hotels development and the professional skills of working with international hotel operators at all the project stages. This experience and knowledge are particularly important at the hotel designing stage, when the skilled coordination of the work of the local designers team and the operator becomes crucial in terms of achieving the hotel design efficiency along with adherence to the Russian most complicated construction norms and codes.
The high cost of capital in Russia, and the narrow range of choice of modern premises of various times, makes a build-to-suit project option attractive to the companies that ordinarily lease premises in other markets. Drawing on its multidisciplinary staff and experience, GVA Sawyer can manage a build-to-suit project from the initial analysis phase, through site selection, elaboration and approval of the project feasibility study, and construction, to commissioning.