In 2009, due to frequent requests from the company’s clients and in order to diversify the business, GVA Sawyer formed the Asset Valuation and Analysis Department. GVA Sawyer’s assessors perform valuation of real estate objects for various purposes, including IFRS and IPO. Valuation reports contain detailed information which is necessary not only for understanding the costs, but also for managerial decision making in regard to each object separately, as well as to the complete assets portfolio as a whole.
At present, our team includes the members of the following organizations:
- Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS);
- CCIM Institute (Certified Commercial Investment Manager).
In addition, all specialists of the company, being fully compliant with the regulations of the Federal legislation in regard to “Valuation and valuation activity”, are members of one of the following self-regulated organizations:
- Non-commercial partnership “National Committee of Valuation Professionals” (NP “NKSO”), Moscow;
- Non-commercial partnership “Association of Valuation Professionals” (NP “SPO”), Saint Petersburg.
Types of performed valuation works
Due to GVA Sawyer’s international operations, valuation reports are also executed under the International Valuation Standards and under the RICS standards in Russian and English.
GVA Sawyer has extensive experience working on projects in Moscow and Saint Petersburg and on regional projects, which allows the department to perform quality valuation works not only in the area of Moscow, Saint Petersburg and the Krasnodar Region, but also in the majority of large cities of Russia.
At present, company’s assessors perform works on valuation, as well as on elaboration of other intellectual products (analysis of real estate investment options, business plans; best use analysis; cost effectiveness analysis for investment projects).
Among the clients of GVA Sawyer are as Russian, as international companies including large investment funds, banks, and large industrial enterprises. GVA Sawyer is an accredited assessor of many large Russian and foreign banks, which makes it possible for our clients to choose for their financing purposes banks, whose financing terms correspond more fully to their needs.
All valuation activity of the company and all assessors of the Asset Valuation and Analysis Department are insured by SK “Alfa-Strakhovanie”.