Complex site development

One of the key functions of GVA Sawyer’s Consulting Department is the elaboration of concepts for the development of large territories or complex site development (CSD).

The site development is one of the most complex and innovative areas in real estate development. GVA Sawyer`s rich and versatile experience distinguishes the company among its competitors.

  • GVA Sawyer has a profound knowledge of all commercial and residential real estate market segments.
  • When GVA Sawyer`s Consultants elaborate project concepts, they consider the future project not only as analysts or brokers but also as professional developers
  • GVA Sawyer actively involves specialists from GVA Worldwide: GVA Grimley, England (the Consultants for the mayor’s offices in London, Manchester and Birmingham regarding redevelopment issues); GVA Redilco, Italy (the leading developers for historical buildings in Rome, Milan, Turin, Genoa and other cities).
  • GVA Sawyer successfully cooperates with different administrations, such as the Department of Architecture, Construction, Development and Reconstruction of Moscow, the Moscow City Property Department and the Division for the Preservation of Monuments (Moscow), the Committee for Urban Development and Architecture (Saint-Petersburg), the Krasnodar Region Administration, the Omsk Mayor’s office, the Krasnoyarsk Mayor’s office and etc.
  • GVA Sawyer organizes the biggest Russian and international tenders, for example, one of the tenders for developing the concept of the historical center reconstruction was held in Kaliningrad and it included the work with the Königsberg Castle as well.
  • GVA Sawyer takes into consideration all the requirements of the Russian and foreign investors.

Our statistics on existing concepts for the development of large territories are:

  • The total number of completed projects amounts to more than 30 projects;
  • The total area of the land plots is more than 6 000 Ha.

Specialists from GVA Sawyer have been working both with private customers and under the contracts with the municipal and regional administrations.


GVA Sawyer`s services for the coordination of CSD projects comprise:

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