Concept development

Highest and best use analysis basically precedes concept development and design. The data collected in the result of marketing research directly influences ideology of development area which is carried out involving leading Russian and foreign architectural bureaus. The analysis of expenses for engineering equipment of the chosen concept and calculation regarding technical conditions , preliminary city share cost, project budget and schedules of works — all this affects efficiency estimation of the offered concept and its accomplishment if necessary. Taking into consideration all possible Clients’ financial constrains and risks related to execution of any investment project construction, GVA Sawyer experts work out possibilities of phasing and outsourcing of alternative resources, conversion of facilities in case it is necessary and other ways to cushion risks.

Concept development can be performed by GVA Sawyer experts within 35 - 55 working days. Fee for services depends on the size of the property under development, required terms, payment scheme and qualification of the invited architects.

The integrated scope of work includes:

  1. Drawing up Technical Brief for the design stage "concept design";
  2. Architectural elaboration;
  3. Technical and engineering elaboration;
  4. Project sensitivity analysis and valuation of risks. Strategy of "exiting" the project;
  5. Financial feasibility of prospective construction.

Additionally the following aspects can be elaborated:

  1. Detailed facade elaboration, selection of the most appropriate project PR-concept to its functional concept, 3D property visualization in both day and night scenes
  2. Leasing plan: floor breakdown into separate retail sections fitting the project concept and profile of potential tenants, area of each section and rent rates indicated;
  3. Security and operation: general recommendations upon the proper selection of the companies, schemes of cooperation and valuation of performed by them functions.

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