Additional Services

Involvement of managing and operating companies

Should you need to find and involve Operators (managing companies) ready to render services in technical support of property construction and further management of the facilities including:

  • Hotel
  • Office complex
  • Congress /conference centre

We offer to sign a contract with GVA Sawyer. We are ready to carry out in advance express analysis regarding all possible property management schemes, make recommendations about setting up an operating company, including management team description, organizational and legal structure of business organization and prospective expenses.

Project PR-support, Branding

Project PR-support includes target audience determining, making up property strategic positioning concept, drawing up the task for the project name and brand development, selection of professional creative studios and control over exact technical brief execution.

Organization of lectures, seminars, educational business tours around Russia and abroad

For projects we are handling, company specialists carry out currently developing tendencies analysis of identical concepts in cities over Europe and the USA. The following services can be rendered within the frames of the research:

  • information gathering about concept analogues abroad (ideology, functions, basic technical and economic indicators, development phases, investment volume, main project participants);
  • study and selection of the most successful concept development tendencies in cities similar in size located in other countries. The choice of the countries is made by the Client on the basis of own opinion and data presented by the Constant;
  • trip organization to the chosen countries in order to study the most interesting from the standpoint of the Client and Consultant formats and concepts. GVA Sawyer will organize trip coordination with the help of GVA Worldwide association.

Fee for services depends on the number of cities and properties visited.

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