Bank Real Estate Broker Services Package

  • Examination of the current bank development program and new branch offices’ opening
  • Determination of main technical and commercial requirements to new bank premises
  • Approval of priority cities and search parameters for premises
  • Market monitoring and search for premises in accordance with the bank’s requirements
  • Preliminary viewing on their own of the most interesting to the bank offers and preparation of a brief report on conformity of the premises to certain technical and legal parameters
  • Organization of viewings of the premises selected by bank representatives
  • Analysis of the conformity of the rent rate/sale price of bank premises
  • Support at discussions and signing of a lease agreement/sale contract
  • Support of lease relations (systematic analysis of commercial conditions for similar premises, recommendations on the rent rate change, and agreements extension or termination)
  • Recommendations on cash flow optimization at the objects’ lease/sale

Bank premises market-value appraisal:

To conduct such appraisal, the data for similar premises on the market with respect to their quality, location and technical characteristics is accumulated.

The complete information in regard to current initial commercial conditions for such premises is provided as a summary table in the report; in addition, examples of the actually signed transactions with the prices for similar premises in the city are enclosed.

The report contains a brief analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the premises, which could at a high degree affect the commercial conditions of the lease/sale of such premises.

As a conclusion, a realistic “fair” market cost of the considered premises is formed.

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