Within the scope of industrial park concept development GVA Sawyer’s consultants have carried out the analysis of industrial & warehouse land market of Yaroslavl Region, performed characteristics of operating and announced for implementation in the nearest 3-5 years industrial parks located on the European part of RF and conducted a survey of more than 800 potential park’s residents in order to identify and clarify the characteristics of demand.
The possible variants of future development included: sale of the land plots in the condition “as is” and in condition after land use engineering. Recommendations on selection of the management company and its basic and full range of services were offered.
The most efficient option was confirmed by calculation of investment attractiveness indicators of the project.
Technical data
- Total area of the Project— 455 hа including:
- Residents’ area — 354 hа
- Social business area — 16 ha
- Municipal area — 45 hа
- Road network — 40 hа
Performed services
The Consultant proposed 3-phased land use development of the Project. Positioning of the Project, sales strategy depending on the possible trends of effective demand were offered. Recommendations on engineering equipment, internal logistics and land plots sizing were given. Cash flow model was developed and investment and budget effectiveness was analyzed.
Project team
Customer — State autonomous institution of Yaroslavl Region (GAU YaU) «Agency of investment projects supporting»
Consultant – GVA Sawyer
Recommendations on selecting the management company — ItellaNLC
Architect — OJSC Rezinoasboproekt (Yaroslavl)