Review of Business Plan for Territory Development Project ‘Blagodatnoe’

Leningradskaya oblast, Vsevolojskiy rayon, Viborgskoe shosse 39 km, territory of a former pioneer camp ‘Chayka’


Project presupposes construction of a leisure base as a separate Hotel Complex.

The aim of the analysis performed by specialists from GVA Sawyer is to assess efficiency of concept design provided by developers of Business plan (including data sufficiency to substantiate suggested design) and specific risks which concern Project realization.

Technical data

Land plot area — 7,85 HA

Performed services

Business Plan Analysis performed by specialists from GVA Sawyer includes:

  • Analysis of countryside real estate market;
  • Marketing conception and Project realization scheme;
  • Financial analysis and Project risk analysis.

Project team

Customer — LLC ‘Yugra Centr’
Consultant — GVA Sawyer

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