Analysis of the best usage of the land plot

Moscow, Vyatskaya Street


On the base of analyzed initial data, market information and financial calculations the Consultant recommends to develop office function.

Technical data

Total area of the land plot — 3 167,6 sq.m.
Total area of the office building — 7 000 sq.m.


Main feature of the project is allocation of a small plot with existing building inside the industrial area located near factory Svoboda. There is an entrance road to the allocated plot through the existing private territory. There are several restrictions on sanitary protection zone from the neighboring factory as well as restrictions on architectural monuments located on the neighboring land plot.

Performed services

The Consultant conducted analysis of land plot’s potential and restrictions, performed brief characteristic of analogs, made general calculations of the financial indicators of project efficiency.

Project team

Customer — Nord-Invest, LLC
Consultant — GVA Sawyer

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